If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the items purchased, you can return your purchase within 30 days for a full refund. The return period is counted from the day you receive your goods.
If deciding to return an item, please find the address for returns on the return form or below. Return transit time outside of Denmark are estimated for 7-10 days, while domestic returns are estimated for 3 – 5 days. Costs incurred in returning are for your own account, and please remember that you as a customer are responsible for the package until it reaches our warehouse. Any and all expenses from tolls, importing, etc. are paid for by the customer.
All returns must be shipped to:
Vestre Hedevej 18
4000 Roskilde
Please note that we do not accept packages shipped to pick-up points - kindly send the packages to the address above.
Condition of the item upon return
All items must be returned unused. All original packaging, price labels, etc shall be returned with the product, without having been tampered with. All tags must still be attached to the item.
Once the package is received at our warehouse and approved, the purchase price will be refunded to your account. Please note that we do not cover VAT or other costs associated with return shipments.
We do not refund shipping costs.
If you received a conditional discount (e.g., 15% off when purchasing two items) and decide to return only one item, the discount will no longer apply. The discount previously applied to the item you kept will be subtracted from your refund amount.
If you received a gift with your purchase (e.g., a notebook for orders over €100) and return only the purchased item, please note that the value of the gift will be deducted from your refund unless it is also returned.
Please note that card refunds may take up to 10 business days for your bank to complete depending on processing time. This can vary greatly between card issuers, and unfortunately, we are unable to influence this. We are not able to customize exchange orders. We therefore kindly ask you to place a new order on
We recommend that your return package is shipped as parcel post. This way the package can be tracked, and it excludes doubt of whether the package was returned, and the package can be traced.
Unclaimed Packages
Within the EU: Packages that are not picked up at the pickup point and are therefore returned will incur a fee of 10 EUR to cover the return shipping.
Outside EU: Packages that are not picked up at the pickup point and are therefore returned will incur a fee of 18 EUR to cover the return shipping.