Please note: The bags are crafted from real leather with natural cow spots, meaning no two bags are exactly alike.
Some bags may have more black, while others have more white, reflecting the natural variations in the leather.
Crafted from 100% genuine hair-on leather, this unique pattern ensures that your bag will be truly individual. ALBA is one of SILFEN's iconic shoulder bags, combining an adjustable strap and multiple hardware details for an effortlessly cool look. The stitching detail draws inspiration from 90s skateparks, adding a retro edge to the design.
The bag features a magnetic flap closure over a spacious zippered compartment, plus a smaller hidden zipper pocket inside. The curved opening is designed for a snug and comfortable fit on your shoulder, but ALBA can also be worn crossbody. The adjustable shoulder strap ranges from 40-85 cm, making it versatile for different styles.
You may notice that the natural "hair" on the leather will wear over time with use. This is part of the natural patina process of the bag.