Please note: The bags are crafted from real leather with natural cow spots, meaning no two bags are exactly alike.
Some bags may have more black, while others have more white, reflecting the natural variations in the leather.
Introducing LOTTA in 100% genuine hair on leather. She is as classy as ever, made for all the classical girls. She has a dynamic arched design with a zipper detail on the side. She is the perfect café bag but will easily transition into a night out. She comes with two pockets on the inside and two different adjustable straps - a short one for the shoulder and a longer one to carry her crossbody. Perfect for the busy girls or for dancing the night away.
Crafted from 100% genuine hair-on leather, this unique pattern ensures that your bag will be truly individual.
You may experience that the natural "hair" on the leather will wear over time with use. This is part of the natural patina process of the bag.